Mission Statement

Even before birth, babies have already started learning about the world they will soon enter. Once in the world, what is learned in the first five years of life forms the foundations for a lifetime.

From infant and toddler care and safety, to understanding developmental benchmarks, to exploring factors that contribute to cognitive development, Baby Talk is committed to forming a dialogue with parents and educators about the importance of these early years. Using an evidence-based approach and rooting our discussions in local context and culture, we seek to provide knowledge and tools that can help caregivers make the best decisions for their little ones.

Our Team


Dr. Lauren R. Franklin — Director

Dr. Lauren Franklin holds a SciM (2017) and PhD (2021) in Cognitive Science from Brown University (Providence, RI, USA). Her research during graduate school included topics of child language development, particularly early word learning and recognition in toddlers.

After moving to Pakistan in 2021, she served as an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Air University (Islamabad) for two years, but her passion remained in the field of early childhood cognitive development. As Lauren learned more about Pakistan and its people, she observed a lack of resources for parents and educators of babies and young children. Baby Talk was formed as a way to bring her expertise and knowledge to caregivers and to help build the best future possible for Pakistan’s children.

Google Scholar

Mehwish Haider — Education Specialist


Anosha Islam — Researcher

Anosha Islam has a Bachelor of Science in English Language and Literature (National University of Modern Languages, 2023) and is currently pursuing a Master of Philosophy in Linguistics at Air University Islamabad. Her work as a research scholar at Air University has focused on child language development, early childhood education, and the influence of parenting on child development. Through her work and research, Anosha strives to bring more attention to the importance of early childhood and empower parents, caregivers, and educators with knowledge to best support children in their foundational years.